Sunday, 29 September 2013

Hard Fun @basecamp2013: Panda is coming

"Who will come will come ..". and "Whoever comes is the right people ...."   So far I think we have about 25 "Yes, I am planning to come ..." or  have registered. This will increase if people network people before  the October dateline.  Remember it is "free" but participants needs to take of the rest themselves.

Yes, I am getting worried.. the next step is the program for the 3 days?  I like an "open agenda" with a little structure but lots of fun - yes hard fun. There will be new as well as hardened volunteers and hence some introduction programs for newcomers can ensure some common language for dialogue. 

Hope Seymour Papert's  8 big ideas on constructionism  can guide this panda into its  next journey.


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